Justin Co-founded Curtis Financial Group in 2010 with the goal of helping people identify and accomplish their personal financial goals, while proudly serving the community "One Client at a Time". This purpose came from the realization that while many people talk about their financial goals, rarely was there any one advisor who was helping them navigate the complexities of their financial world.
Justin has dedicated his Professional life to providing his clients, and their advisors with the clarity and guidance needed to identify and pursue their financial goals. By creating, and executing their financial blueprint using his systematic approach, Justin helps his clients not only work towards financial independence, but also equips them to enjoy a better quality of life. In addition to working with the firm’s private clients, Justin supports multiple local charities in the community to give back.
Justin lives in the Nashville area with his wife Heather, and their 3 daughters Madison, McKinley, & Chloe. He enjoys golf, hunting, sports, and outdoor activities.